What's wrong with software developers? [Spotify Edition]

This title is partly a legitimate question and partly me throwing a jab at software in the age-old hardware vs. software rivalry 😁. I'm just joking. There are good people on both sides. Some of my best friends are software engineers. Mrs. Wisdumb is a software engineer. See, I can't possibly be anti-software! Coders, I threw you a bone with this Hollywood depiction of coding shown above so you can go on your own rant about public perception of your field. The impetus for this post comes courtesy of Spotify. Spotify bought one of my favorite podcasts, Armchair Expert , and made it exclusive to their platform. Initially, I was horrified at this. My memories of Spotify are listening to music and then getting blasted with an ad that was twice as loud as the music I was listening to. I believe this was intentional. That is, it wasn't the fault of a software bug, but rather a design choice by sales and ...