BirdNet-Pi: Techonology, AI, Nature and DIY all in one Project
I just got up and running with a new DIY project that absolutely amazes me. It is called BirdNet-Pi and it is a software package running on a Raspberry Pi that uses AI analysis of audiograms to automatically identifies birds by sound in real time. It is designed to run 24/7 and collects data on all of the birds it hears around your house. It can even generate notifications that I can receive on my cell phone so I can come running if it detects a bird I haven't seen in my yard before. Almost as amazing, it is a free, open-source project! I was clued in to this project by a Facebook ad for a BirdWeather PUC (shown above). This is a standalone device that does much of the above- listens and identifies birds that it hears. It is fully integrated with the BirdWeather website and shares its data to the BirdWeather database. You can look up real time ID results for any PUCs that are shared on their map. Pretty cool! I wanted one...