
Showing posts with the label Science

Starting A Local Philosophical Society

What comes to mind when I say, "Philosophical Society"?  For me it conjures up images of the famous Royal Society with groups of gentleman scientists gathered in a grand room lit by candles with overstuffed chairs and dark wood paneling discussing the leading scientific theories of the day while contemplatively puffing on a pipe.  It's a romantic image and probably has little basis in reality but I would have loved to be a fly on the wall listening to the likes of Isaac Newton, Benjamin Franklin, Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, Michael Faraday and Ernest Rutherford discussing their theories and breakthroughs.  In my mind, science in the 17th through 19th century was largely accessible to the average person with some curiosity about the world around them.  The body of knowledge to draw on was limited and a lot could still be learned with simple experimentation.  Many of the scientific breakthroughs of those eras came from wealthy men who had time to pursue scie...

BirdNet-Pi: Techonology, AI, Nature and DIY all in one Project

 I just got up and running with a new DIY project that absolutely amazes me.  It is called BirdNet-Pi and it is a software package running on a Raspberry Pi that uses AI analysis of audiograms to automatically identifies birds by sound in real time.  It is designed to run 24/7 and collects data on all of the birds it hears around your house.  It can even generate notifications that I can receive on my cell phone so I can come running if it detects a bird I haven't seen in my yard before.  Almost as amazing, it is a free, open-source project! I was clued in to this project by a Facebook ad for a BirdWeather PUC  (shown above).  This is a standalone device that does much of the above- listens and identifies birds that it hears.  It is fully integrated with the BirdWeather website and shares its data to the BirdWeather database.  You can look up real time ID results for any PUCs that are shared on their map.  Pretty cool!  I wanted one...

Why do meteor shower peaks always occur inconveniently early in the morning?

  This is a question I came up with after my last two meteor shower viewing attempts in October and November left me underwhelmed.  I'm not much of a night owl so I did my viewing from when it got dark (5:30ish this time of year) until 8PM or so and only saw maybe 4 meteors in that time.  Cool, but underwhelming.  The media reported the peak times for viewing were right before dawn.  I started noticing they all have their peaks early in the morning hours and wondered why none ever peak at more like 8PM. If I were smarter, I probably could've figured this out myself.  I finally got around to Googling it and it only took 2 seconds to find the answer.  It turns out, that at dawn, the sky overhead is aimed in the direction the earth is orbiting around the sun.  As a result, the debris fields the earth is passing through that that is the source of the meteors is directly overhead at your location at dawn.  The hours just before dawn when it is dar...

My DNA Shocker

 Did the clickbait title draw you in?  My shock may not be what you expect.  It isn't that I have some genetic condition I didn't know about or found out I was adopted.  My shock was at how primitive our current knowledge about our genome is!   Disclaimers: My readers are all intelligent enough to know this, but nothing in this blog should be considered medical advice since I am not a doctor or geneticist! Amazon links in this blog will hopefully earn me a commission .  I was going to put them in anyway so I might as well get paid for it!  A link does not necessarily mean I endorse that product.  Update: I apparently didn't drive enough traffic to Amazon, so they booted me from their associates program.  Links in this blog now earn me diddly squat. Background I read a book this summer called Healthy Heart, Healthy Brain  that presented what the authors' claim is a new way of looking at heart and brain health.  It focused a lot ...

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