What does a post-growth society look like?
A recent article in The Morning newsletter from the New York Times rekindled a smoldering ember of thought that resides in a corner of my mind. It has never burned hot enough to inspire me to serious study on the subject, but this time it has at least motivated me enough to write about it. The topic is growth; how our society and economy are dependent on it, why I think that is problematic, and how it can change. My thoughts on this subject are not well formed at this time and, unusually for Wisdumb, I offer no answers, only more questions. The Times article covered the aging population of Japan and showed the chart below projecting other major economies and the world as a whole being on the brink of a rapidly aging populous. The article primarily focused on the social impacts of this aging population, in particular that Japan is running out of workers. It posits the only solution is to bring in more immigrants. This is what bothers me and stokes tha...