
Showing posts with the label Movies

My Favorite Movies

There is something wrong with me.  My most recent realization of this came courtesy of the movie Everything Everywhere All at Once .  I sought it out after hearing all the buzz about how great it was.  It started OK but started to lose me about halfway through.  I gave up and turned it off before finishing, something I very, very rarely do.  It had lost my interest.  I don't get why everyone was raving about it.  This isn't the first time this has happened.  Other notable examples of movies that didn't live up to their hype for me are The Matrix , Pulp Fiction (and every other Tarantino movie) and even universally acclaimed classics like The Godfather .  Now I didn't turn any of those movies off in the middle, but I don't think they were as good as the consensus of the masses.  In some cases, I think the movies are watchable or maybe even good, just not deserving of the gushing praise being heaped on them. I typically agree with about h...

Enough with the Shaky Camera Work

It's time for a rant.  Today's target for my ire is movies and TV shows with intentionally shaky camera work.  At best, it is annoying and at worst it makes a movie unwatchable (think the Bourne Supremacy and the Bourne Ultimatum) I take my movie watching seriously.  I want to be immersed in the film and have little patience for interruptions and distractions.  Much like in a movie theater, a BIG screen and powerful surround sound system play a key role in achieving this effect in my home theater.  The downside of a big screen is a movie with excessive camera shake (and I'll lump fast cuts in with this) ends up being physically uncomfortable to watch.   I've seen some excuses from directors for this technique.  Some say it is to create a sense of speed and action.  Or chaos.  Some say it is to make a scene more realistic.  If that's what they are going for, they are failing badly.  Very few shaky cam scenes have ever achieved t...

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