There Are No Heroes

This is a topic I have been pondering for a while. With the holiday formerly known as Columbus Day approaching it seems like a perfect time to dig into it. At any time in my life if you asked me who my heroes are, I don't think I would have an answer. I have never been prone to hero worship, and the more I think about it, the less sense it makes to me. To be clear, I think there are many people who do heroic things and acts of heroism big and small should be celebrated. But the act must be separated from the person and one act (or many) does not a hero make. Noone is a saint. I'd speculate that even Saints weren't saints 100% of the time! Our contemporary society, with so much or our lives taking place in public on the Internet, is making this clearer than ever. No idol can survive the magnifying glass scrutinizing their entire life. So, let's not idolize anybody. Let's idolize worthy actions and ideas instead! Instead of cele...