
Showing posts from 2025

Cyclical Generational Theory

I read a book a decade or so ago, published in 1997 called:  The Fourth Turning An American Prophecy . The book proposed a theory for predicting the future based on cyclical repetition of the past along with the mechanism behind it.  The centrist-leaning conservative authors, historian and economist Neil Howe and the late William Strauss, argue that history repeats itself in roughly 80 to 100 year cycles (about one long lifetime and called a saeculum) due to the constellation and archetype of generations that are influenced by events in the same way as their cohort generation 80 to 100 years in the past. Background on the Fourth Turning Generational Theory Per the theory, there are 4 generations influencing society at any given time (with smaller numbers very old stragglers still hanging on but not influencing society anymore and young children being born to the next generation).  The archetypes used for these generations are Prophet, Nomad, Hero, Artist.  Each ...

Starting A Local Philosophical Society

What comes to mind when I say, "Philosophical Society"?  For me it conjures up images of the famous Royal Society with groups of gentleman scientists gathered in a grand room lit by candles with overstuffed chairs and dark wood paneling discussing the leading scientific theories of the day while contemplatively puffing on a pipe.  It's a romantic image and probably has little basis in reality but I would have loved to be a fly on the wall listening to the likes of Isaac Newton, Benjamin Franklin, Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, Michael Faraday and Ernest Rutherford discussing their theories and breakthroughs.  In my mind, science in the 17th through 19th century was largely accessible to the average person with some curiosity about the world around them.  The body of knowledge to draw on was limited and a lot could still be learned with simple experimentation.  Many of the scientific breakthroughs of those eras came from wealthy men who had time to pursue scie...

What's Wrong with Software Developers? [Yahoo Edition]

  It's been a while since I've had a good rant.  At least publicly.  Much like a volcano that slowly builds up pressure over time until there is a massive explosion, I have been absorbing the stupidity, faults, flaws and outright incompetence of the various products I interact with daily, and now it is time for me to erupt.  If you recall, Spotify was the target of my last good rant about software development .  Today's rant is brought to you by Yahoo! I have been using Yahoo! since the very early days of the World Wide Web.  I remember when it was hosted at  It was an innovative idea, and I immediately set it as my homepage in my NCSA Mosaic browser.  At the time, there were no other web-based aggregators of content (at least that I knew of) and Yahoo! provided a great starting point for finding content I was interested in (kids- this was before Google even existed).  For a fun trip down memory lane, take a look a...

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