Review: Using a Cheap Down Sleeping Bag as a Liner for Extreme Cold Weather Camping

My quest to find a comfortable sleep system for restless side sleepers who want to go camping in the cold continues. How's that for a hyper-specific target audience? I am publishing this post for the dozens (probably?) of others out there like me who are not served by the mass-market reviews of gear because we have unique needs that our sleeping bags must meet that are usually overlooked. We flop around like a fish out of water. We spread our arms like outriggers on a Polynesian canoe. We spread our legs like, um, never mind, that one. My point is, bags that are critically acclaimed in reviews and ratings, don't work for me. Quilts have been my salvation for most trips. See my review of the Enlightened Equipment Revelation and Zenbivy Light Bed for details. However, the comfort of these solutions starts to become problematic as the mercury drops below freezing. My latest attempt to solve this problem is to get an inexpensive, light...