Birding Tools of the Trade: Advanced

When heading out with just some binoculars and a birding app (as described in the first part of this series) frustrates you because you aren't able to identify some far-off birds, or they don't hold still long enough for you to get a good look, perhaps it is time to consider some more advanced equipment. I'm talking spotting scopes and cameras! Spotting Scopes Spotting scopes are essentially a portable telescope. They have an upright image and are pretty simple to use. A tripod is required to use one effectively. Like binoculars, they have a magnification and a diameter as the two main specs. Typically, a scope for birding will have a magnification in the range of 20X to 60X which is great for birds that are too far away to get a good look at with binoculars. Diameters range from 50mm to about 100mm with 80mm being the most common size. Some scopes have a straight viewfinder and others have an angled viewfinder. I recommend...