
Showing posts from October, 2022

The Best Fruit You Have Never Heard Of

I'm referring to the hardy kiwi.  OK, some of you have probably heard of it.  Go ahead and leave an angry comment below if you have.  I had never heard of this plant until I went searching for a shade-producing vine to grow up the new pergola I built over our deck.  It met all my criteria: fast growing, survives New England Winters and had an added bonus of bearing fruit.  The hardy kiwi is like a little cousin to the kiwi fruit you are familiar with in the grocery store but with one key improvement: it doesn't have the fuzzy skin.  Instead, it is smooth like a grape and you eat it whole.  It is sooo much easier to eat than the work that goes into preparing a traditional kiwi.  Why aren't these everywhere?  I guess, like with imperial measurements, we like to do things the hard way. This the hardy kiwi shown next to an apple for size reference: In my ongoing quest to turn my suburban yard into a farm, I decided to grow some.  I bought m...

Enough with the Shaky Camera Work

It's time for a rant.  Today's target for my ire is movies and TV shows with intentionally shaky camera work.  At best, it is annoying and at worst it makes a movie unwatchable (think the Bourne Supremacy and the Bourne Ultimatum) I take my movie watching seriously.  I want to be immersed in the film and have little patience for interruptions and distractions.  Much like in a movie theater, a BIG screen and powerful surround sound system play a key role in achieving this effect in my home theater.  The downside of a big screen is a movie with excessive camera shake (and I'll lump fast cuts in with this) ends up being physically uncomfortable to watch.   I've seen some excuses from directors for this technique.  Some say it is to create a sense of speed and action.  Or chaos.  Some say it is to make a scene more realistic.  If that's what they are going for, they are failing badly.  Very few shaky cam scenes have ever achieved t...

Into the Metaverse

How I Met Your Metaverse I had never heard of " Ready Player One " until it showed up on my Prime Video feed.  The title didn't interest me (It sounds like a gamer movie I might have enjoyed as a kid, right?)  I didn't recognize any of the actors on the poster either, so I didn't watch it.  A while later I learned it was directed by Steven Spielberg and that piqued my interest, so I finally watched it.  I loved it! The storyline was interesting, the acting was fine, the overall production was, of course, Spielberg quality.  Lots of 80's nostalgia was a pleasant bonus. But what really made the movie stand out was the vision of the metaverse it presented.  It was an entire virtual world complete with haptic hardware allowing you to truly be immersed in it.   Side note:  I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that the movie was based on the book " Ready Player One " by Ernest Cline ( Purchase through this link and earn me a commission .  Why isn...

There Are No Heroes

  This is a topic I have been pondering for a while.  With the holiday formerly known as Columbus Day approaching it seems like a perfect time to dig into it. At any time in my life if you asked me who my heroes are, I don't think I would have an answer.  I have never been prone to hero worship, and the more I think about it, the less sense it makes to me.  To be clear, I think there are many people who do heroic things and acts of heroism big and small should be celebrated.  But the act must be separated from the person and one act (or many) does not a hero make.  Noone is a saint.  I'd speculate that even Saints weren't saints 100% of the time! Our contemporary society, with so much or our lives taking place in public on the Internet, is making this clearer than ever.  No idol can survive the magnifying glass scrutinizing their entire life.  So, let's not idolize anybody.  Let's idolize worthy actions and ideas instead! Instead of cele...

My DNA Shocker

 Did the clickbait title draw you in?  My shock may not be what you expect.  It isn't that I have some genetic condition I didn't know about or found out I was adopted.  My shock was at how primitive our current knowledge about our genome is!   Disclaimers: My readers are all intelligent enough to know this, but nothing in this blog should be considered medical advice since I am not a doctor or geneticist! Amazon links in this blog will hopefully earn me a commission .  I was going to put them in anyway so I might as well get paid for it!  A link does not necessarily mean I endorse that product.  Update: I apparently didn't drive enough traffic to Amazon, so they booted me from their associates program.  Links in this blog now earn me diddly squat. Background I read a book this summer called Healthy Heart, Healthy Brain  that presented what the authors' claim is a new way of looking at heart and brain health.  It focused a lot ...

Ryan's Wisdumb Inaugural 🥳

Welcome!   This blog is officially born on a blustery New England Autumn day in early October 2022, but you could say it has been gestating in my head for many years.  So why start it now?  I can't say for sure what is motivating me at this moment, but I suspect it has to do with "free" time.  Life circumstances are currently allowing me to work less hours at my day job (electrical engineer) and spend more time pursuing various other interests.  A side effect of this is deep thoughts on all sorts of subjects rattling around in my head that I'm certain the world needs to hear. [Note: As my blog title might indicate, I am an unapologetic devotee of  sarcasm . But don't worry, I'm sure my brilliant and good-looking readers all have the sophisticated sense of humor necessary for ferreting out my true meaning.] About Me I plan to remain semi-anonymous for now.  Friends and family know who I am, but I'd rather not have the average Internet comment sect...

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